This is a journal of my trials and errors cooking with my dearest friends and a list of my tried and true recipes...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Alei and Toby's first born.....JACKSON....we have been waiting for you!
....and his 40th year begins.....
doing all the prep work
Aimie's incredible appetizer...sun dried tomato, red pepper, cream cheese seasoned with secret stuff ....heavenly!
The sous chef is doing a great job
This picture speaks for itself!
this does not look as good as it tasted....fried, fresh mozzarella, arugula wrapped in prosciutto with red onion, red pepper and olives in a...believe it or an anchovy vinegrette (sp)
Birthday Boy and guests!
Preparing the sauce for the seafood....Rexx cleans out the pantry and whips up a heavenly usual!
This is Rexx's seafood medley....scallops, shrimp and basa in a lemony, caper sauce
Rexx is thinking.....something just isn't right....
Unfortunately we lit the 40 candles a little too soon....they were not meant to burn for long without.....meltingggggg
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Drinking Club with a cooking problem.....together again!
A spectacular weekend with my friends...Rexx' s BIG birthday...more pics to come!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
I love it when something is very good and very simple....toast whole wheat
french bread seasoned with salt and pepper, put on a basil leaf and top with
prosciutto and drizzle a little olive oil....
This was our delicious salad before we put thinly sliced sirloin and homemade dressing on it....I loved the addition of the avocado.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Can you believe that I made this?????.....I didn't eat it, but I MADE it....Stacey had two servings.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
This has become one of my favorite appetizers, but, constantly learning, I realize that the ingredients must be relatively void of alot of liquid for the "tower" to stand up.